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Meet Naranda


Naranda Driver is the founder of High Heels & Destiny. She is a Motivational Speaker that has a God-given touch to inspire women across the world. Her focus is Spiritual Inspiration, Motivation and Encouragement. Naranda Driver utilizes her platform High Heels & Destiny to bring women together in support of one another. Her motto is reach back and grab one. Her courage and determination has helped many women overcome obstacles in their lives. Her joy and passion are going out into the community to speak with women and teen organizations in her local city. 

My Story

Every since Naranda Driver was a teen she knew God had a calling on her life. She never knew what the calling was. She realized as a young teen that she was faced with more struggles than other girls. Which made her question God and his love for her. There was something that she realized that she was missing from her life which was a relationship with her dad and mother. She went through a stage of her life battling with low self-esteem trying to fill a missing void looking for love in the wrong places. As a single mother, she saw her life headed down the wrong path and was frustrated with her current circumstances. At that point, she realized and decided it was time for a change. That was the day she fell to her knees and cried out to God feeling broken, empty, and completely disgusted as a woman. This was the turning point and the day her life started to change. God came into her life and taught her how to embrace the woman she is. Now, Naranda uses her platform to inspire women about self-love.

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