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It's War time Baby!

Hello, Ladies! Question, have you ever been in a low place in your life? Yes, that low place! That space where you felt mentally, emotionally, and physically broken? I can relate! Be encouraged! I'm here to let you know, that you don't have to stay there. I will show you how to step into your High Heels and walk into your destiny. By the way, let me introduce myself. My name is Naranda Mill. I am a certified life coach and a motivational speaker who brings complete transparency through personal lived life experiences. I came to change the game by elevating you mentally through God's word. This is not your end but only a chapter in your life. So, grab your journals Ladies, let us journal the journey. Remember, "We Got This!"


Meet Naranda

"Everything You Need Is In You"

Hello, my name is Naranda. I am a certified life coach for women. I focus on turning women emotional pain into purpose. Yes! You heard me right. Your has a purpose. As your life coach, I will help you gain knowledge, confidence, and clarity over your life. My goal is not to sell you a lifestyle nor a dream, but transform your mind through God's word. Are you ready? There's something called destiny that waiting for you and it's your time to walk into it. Let's Go!


High Heels & Destiny's strength lies in changing the lives of women across the world. We understand that every woman has been faced with life-changing experiences. Our goal is to instill encouragement and motivation into women allowing for them to overcome the challenges they endure more efficiently. But more importantly, to see the transformation that takes place in the lives we touch.

High Heels & Destiny

Hey, girl hey! We understand that life happens. I personally know how it feels to walk through the fire in high heels. But, I've got good news for you. I've come to help and I want you to know that you can overcome whatever you put your mind to. But first, you have to be open to renewing your mindset. Get READY! We have taken the time to create some COURSES that will change your life forever. We are focused on helping women grow mentally, emotionally, and physically as they transition into their destiny. Grab your heels because you're about to start a new journey. Purchase your course now!


"Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does"

William James

HHD Hunnies
rockin their tees



What They’re Saying

I recommend not just adult women but young adolescent girls to listen to Naranda’s Take” on Life & being Balanced. As we all could use encouragement, Naranda’s by far is delivered through transparency which is what needs to be expressed more often. So many times we become attracted to Fiction & not Facts. So glad this young lady, my sister In Christ, my classmate answered the call to be More than the Best she can be for her peers & other superb young women! Congratulations g…
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